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Friday, October 28, 2005

TriP to Las veGas(copy-an dari MUlTIplY)


Selamat HaRI RaYA IdUL FiTrI buat yg merayakan ...mohon maaf lahir dan batin kalo saya ada salah tulis or comnet2 or omong2 ....maafin yach .....

Hi semua we bacK to business ...ciehh business ni yeee :p ........

berhubung masih capek ..malas ngetik panjang2 saya copy dari multiply aja yach ...:P

WE had an amazing time in Las Vegas ...that city is awesome.....The building, the shows they have, the attractions, the food, the casino and the people also very friendly. For sure we will come back to las Vegas ........well here some place we visited in Vegas.....and some of the place I recommend......I am not so good telling the story from my first day till our last day so I just make it simple .....

We left home to buffalo airport at 12 pm we parked our car at the airport.....because is cheaper to pay the parking than take the shuttle bus or taxi.....anyway at the border the line up so long and i need the white stamp paper for my passport.... took me 2 hours ....I already thinking we had to buy ticket to Chicago and catch the flight to Vegas ...BUT thanks god I got my stamp in time ......and we made it to the airport .....trus nich aku lupa caring bag buat dibawa dipesawat ketinggalan dibagasi mobil....can you believe that ...slebor banget ....

First night we arrived we looked around at our hotel trus jalan2 kehotel deket hotel kita ....sempat dinner di resto di MGM ... trus teparrr deh ....besoknya mulai deh jalan2 kita.........aduhhh dimana2 ada slot machine lhooo ......orang gambling dimana2 ....cuman casino yg paling keren tuch newyork2 punya character sendiri ...

The Hotel we stay :
We stay at Luxor hotel nice interesting place ...organize and good food too....and they have IMAX theater and other shows you can see.

The shows/attraction Yg kita TonToN:
~ Cirque Du Soleil Mystere , Excellent show
~ fantasy ...guy love this show ..for me so so
~ ImaX haunted castle very good
~ The light show at belagio ....we want to see the O from Cirque Du Soleil but the ticket was sold out .
~ SharK reef : aquarium with many different kind of fish and also huge shark ....
~ Circus circus was OK
~ The volcano in front the mirrage

The fun place kayak bar or club yg sempat kita masukin;
~ rumjungle di mandalay bay (kita sempat jalan kesana cuman beberapa jam aja)
~ Tangerine ini yg paling aku suka tempatnya asikk banget ....
~ KAHUNAVILLE tempatnya di treasure island sama kayak tangerine.
~ shadow bar dicaesar tempatnya asikk banget ...
~ trus sama lounge di Luxor bandnya bagus2 sekali .....
tempat yg katanya cool2 kayak di palm or tempat laen kita nga ksempat mampirin so many thing to do and so lil time :(

OuR favorite restaurant :
namanya udah di vegas kita cari pasti makanannya yach habis dimana2 ada buffe ..we went to many diffrent place dari tempat yg kecil kayak excalibur(suck) to bellagio buffe for me just good .....but tempat favorite kita MANDALAY BAY the buffe excellent good prize ...excellent service ....I miss the breakfast soo YUMmY ....trus kita juga sempat mampir di cafe2 kecil di newyork2 and noodle resto.......

Tempat shoppIng di vegas keren2 banget dari yg mahal ampe medium and yg menegah kebawah ada ...........di caesar palace ada tempat shopping yg keren banget, kadang suka males masuk ke TOKO yg MERK-nya wow2 gituh..takut sakit hati ngak bisa beli :( hehehhe ...trus ada factory outlet and toko2 yg dipinggir jalan ..... and masih banyak lagi yg ngak sempat dikunjungin.

KopdaraN :
Kopdaran sama anak multi jeng AYu and LUcY
sama ayu kopdarannya ngak lama BUt we had FUN ....was nice to meet you yu...
Buat jeng lUcY TY very much for the company she is very nice and her hubby juga sempat dibikin repot ama rich heheh ....sempat ketemu si anak mommy alias si PENNY she is a cutie manjanya ama mommynya ampunnnnn dahhhh........
we had a good time at your house and makasi udah dianter jalan2 mudah2an ngak bikin kapok time kalo ketemu kade ngak sungkan2 lagi deh langsung nyerbu kulkas yg isinya tape ama uli "GLEEKK" masih kebayang2 lezattnya itu uli ama tape.

so thats all out trip in vegas we had so much fun and for sure we come back again hopely next year sekalian ajak nanny and dodo kesana ..........

have a great weekend semua ....

Saturday, October 22, 2005


hi semua ... pha kabar NicH ???
I am haPPy nich soalnya free from work for 1 week yuhuuu

We going for a short trip to las vegas .....we be back on friday .....see you guys next week ...with some pic and story .....

have a wonderful weekend !!!!!!!!

ps. buat mrs.onions
klepon itu jajanan pasar yg bulet dari tepung beras/terigu trus dalemnya dikasiin gula merah and luarnya dikasiin kelapa parut enakkkk banget lHOO

Friday, October 14, 2005

kangEn rumah

~ kangen Rumah di balI
~ males NgetIk (padahal banyak cerita and review MoViE LHo)
~ PenGen maem jajan KlEpOn
~ Gi nUnguIn si ricH PulanG
~ SaYA TaKuTTTTT dirumah sendiRi :(

SeLaMAt HaRi RaYA KUNINGAN buat My family in BALi and temen2 yg merayakannya :)

Have a GOOd weekeNd !!!!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


GimaNa kaBaR tEman2???


UdAh 6 bulan nich akU ngak Pulang kebali ciehhh........JADI kangen RUMah dibali ....soalnya hari iNI HARI RAYA GALUNGAN dibali .......semua pasti pada cantik and cakep pake pakaian adat ..trus kepura sembahyanG ...pulang2 makan2 deh .......I MISS MY FAMILY SOOO MUCHHH and I know they miss me too .....aku mO Ngucapin selamat merayakan hari GALUNGAN buat KELUARGAKUW DIBALI and temen2KUW yg merayakannya.....galungan Ini aku ngak ngerayain cukup sembahyanG aja ...MungKin pas KunIngAn kita bikin acara berdua dirumah we'll see !!!!!

HuBby :

Kapan haRi pas pUlang rich udah duduk maNis diliving room nunggu bininya pulanG kerja .... TRUS tumben2nya dia nanya Kalo aku udah ngidupiN computer ..I said WHY ??ngak ngeH nich ...dia bilang JUST wonderinG .........KIrain dia ngirim sesuatu diemaIl when I turn on my computer ...and tarIk kursi computer aku TRADAAAAA ada HONEYCOMB ....the OnlY cereal I like hehehhe ceritanya kejutan dari dia ....itu idea kayaknya gara2 akhir2 INi aku suka ngelUh ngak tau mo nyarap apa deh !! BAIK HUBBy LIL THING like that make my day and make me HAPPY....trus ada LaGu nich kejutan dia kemaREn ..pas pUlanG dia belIIn aku GEL buat sepatU .....habis gEL sepaTu aKu udah jelek trus karena udah jelek sepatu aku ngak pake gel2 gituh khan ....nah kemaren he came HOME and GOT mE that gEL thank you
HONEY ..........

A good day:

TruS kemaREn kita sempat berSPA2 ria berdua hihihi ganjen deh ..ngerendam kaki yg kecapean ....KITA benernya punya Yg foot massage ITu cuman masih dirumah mertUA ...ada beberapa baranG2 kita masih dirumah mertuA gituh ...sooo kemaren kita pake baskom aja :P not bad lhOOO relaxing pake foot soaknya BODYSHOP ,trus pakein foot scrubnya california....segerrr dehhh........


TrUs malemnYa aku BikiN dinnEr sole dipangganG dikasiin pineapple and other grill veggie ....NOT bad-lah HUBBY LOVE THE DINNER....trus ada lagi nich ,temen aku si KATRIN kapan dulu kirimin aku kue2 yg dijual roti keliling pagi2 iTu ..aduhhhhh saya ampe mo nangis deh saking senengnya lihatin itu roti2..ternyata tuch anak memorynya bagus :P.....dia katanya maiN ke chinese bakery gituh(dulu kita berdua suka kesana)..trus seklain deh diboroNg kesukaankuw ..rotinya ada isi daginG,kacang,keju,pisang,raisins..YUMMYYY booo serasa deHHH.... TY SWEETY ....

YacH udah PostiNgan segituh aja untuk hari ini...MAKASI TEMEN2 atas perhatiannya keluarga kade dibali baik2 saja ...thanks GOD ...god bless orang2 yg kena musibah.

have a good one semua !!!!