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Saturday, October 02, 2004

SepT MovIe and LaEn laEn

HaPpY WeEkEn everyone !!!!!!!!!!

Hari ini nIagAra falls kejatuhan hujan...tumbennn banget hujann deras .....cuman sekarang udah stop....sunny and nice ...please keep it the weather like this !!!!!!!!!!!
Tadi bangun jam 9 I went home at 1 aclock in morning last night so tired ......very busy at work ....bangun jam 9 ...and had my breaky and went to supermarket ..pulang berlazy1 ria dehh.....
yesterday went shopping with jennifer I got bunch of stuff for ARISAN but can't tell in here ... or bakalan no more surprise ....

back to topic ......some movie I watch last month .....the one i remember !!!!

* The Prince and ME : very cute movie I love it
* NewYorK Minute : so so I just love the clothes they wearing
* Hero : very good move sad (sedikitcomplicate)karena pake bahasa cina :(
* Sky captain : bagusss love my boyfriend in the movie
* Hackers : one of myfavomovie really good (old movie) first angelajoliemovie
* The day after tomorrow : really good
* 4 night at the roxbury ( old movie ) first time I watch lumayan lucu
* The Bourne supreme : I like this movie
* 21 grams : really sad movie cuman bagusss.....

*****For LUIGI ****
sorry yach pak saya tidak bisa masuk ke blog dikau hiks hiks i aswer some of your request disini ciehhhhh....

The SIMS benernya hampir sama kayak SIMS CITY cuman The sims kalo kita udah mainin seperti do our real live(check at THE SIMS WEBSITE) ...jadi kadang dari main games the sims kita bisa ngelihat character kita sendiri di real live .....misalnya bersihkah ?? or organize ngak ???
Kalo di sims city khan ?? kita bangun gedung gede or kota etc (sorry saya sudah lama banget never play sims city ..I play the original one kayaknya jaman sma or kuliah deh ) ....a bit LIKE CAESAR 3(dari kecil trus grow bigger) kalo plan yg kita bikin bagus right ?? did you ever play this games ?? very kewll games !!!!!

Kalo di sims very simple ...kita cuman cari kerja ,make the house nice and clean,being smart,olahraga,and most important keep your good relationship with your friends ..jadi seperti real live gitu ......ank kalo kita pinter organize and pinter ngatur waktu di gamesnya ......THE SIMS very easy ......... FUN kalo main sama banyak orang disekeliling kita make big family in the games very funnnnn .....kalo sendiri cepet bosen how I feel now .....hihihi dasar yachhh....anyway jadi pointnya ....tergnatung dari teori kita masing2 how to play the games ......ya can always try many different style to play build your character good ....... and some poeple they also can cheat money ,furniture ,house and all those stuff but not so fun anymore because you make the games very easy !!!!!!!!!!fuhhhh sorry for my language yachhhh :P

sekarang lagi getol2nya main ROME TOTAL WAR yang baru ...demo sihh ..sampai lupa mandiii.......
OHH btw anyone watch new FEDEX iklan veryy funnyy....I can't stop laughing hihihi lucu sekali !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

ok sebelom ini postingan kemana2 I better goooo cyaaa semuaaaa.......