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Sunday, November 07, 2004


hi people !!!!!!!

how's everyone today ???
I got shocking news from work yesterday :( ....They change the schedule for everybody ... I used to work days and now I have to work swings (night) and some of them I have work sunrise auchhhhhh .....Going to be difficult !!!!
The problem is some of the senior complain about they get short hour when they work at night shift so now the management have to be fair ....They make all the part time and contract work swings/and late ....And all the full time people work days ....
so dakhuw bakalan kerja sore terus..start from 6 pm till 1 alock am hiks hikshiks ....but we still can pick 1 day a week for days shift ......dasarrr seniorrrrrr...
anyway ....and I can't work 4 days a week like I wish.....I still have my 5 days a week hiks hiks ...menyebalkan dehhh ....

Friday kemaren went to nanny house ...helping her bersihin daun2dikebun...gilee banyak banget..... terus main ama si ozzy tuch doggie udah tambah gede ....body-nya panjangg fotonya menyusul nanti yachh habis gi males keatas ngambil camera :P ........trus I got my FLU SHOT khan udah mulai dingin ... jaga2 biar ngak sakit ....

Buat mpok2 yang usill...dakhuw ngak hamill oiiiii itu mah kerjaanya EMAK-NYA si GIZMO dasarrrrr hiihihi maunya ngerjain malah dikerjain :P ...sabar2 yachh nnati kalo udah jadi pasti you guys bakalan dikasi tau !!!!!

Oh yach hari ini pas online ada yang ngelapor katanya ..kade kade ada yang ngusilin blog kamu ....ciatttttttttt apaan tuchh !!!! aku kira diusilin weeehh jadi beken blogkuw ...akhirnya ada juga yang usil :P ...
nah pas aku buka ada message tuch dari ALEX katanya bahasa englishkuw kacau plus grammarkuw tidak beraturan ...auchhh kasian aku !!!!!!!!
BUt HEYYY THANKS buat sarannya untuk pake bahasa bali !!! BUT you know !!!! aku punya banyak temen yang tidak mengerti basa bali and indonesia I have to write in english sometimes......and do you know what is SURPRISING mereka mengerti dengan bahasakuw yang AMBURADUL... AKU BUKAN ORANG BULE or gede dengan bahasa english sehingga bahasa englishkuw PERFECT I just balinese girl yang pengen maju and wish one day have better english LOl(gile ngapain juga aku explain ke orang gila mana ngerti si ALEX)..... and aku masih belajar banyak bahasa english ....
at least aku mencoba menulis with english kalo tidak begitu kapan kita bisa !!!!
lagian aku heran temen2kuw yang lahir dengan bahasa english tidak pernah complain malahan they support me untuk menulis with english ..kok malahan ada orang2 picik yang ngak tau juntrungannya malah compalin yachh ahhh DUNIAA !!!! anyway ...
FOR YANG MIKIR SAME THINK WITH ALEX (call him LOOSER ALEX).....aku juga mo kasi tau ....
I love to write english mix with my bahasa.... because is my OWN style !!! kind of cool for me to write mix like that ....not use BORING GRAMMAR yang orang baca malahan tidak mengerti artinya apa .... and tidak mengerti apa yang kita tulis ..... lagian why you care about my writing toh aku bukan penulis or lagi nulis buku yang musti di edit ribuan kali LOL(opssss lupa aku si ALEX khan si SMALL THINKER or LOOSER ALEX :P ) !!!!!!!!!

YA know people I am very proud with my english .....maybe my writing still bad but I speak very good english.....!!!!! I have Very good JOb so many people dream to have MY JOB I make very good money more than I ever imagine ....I work in good company not just good but HUGE $ billion company ...soooo heyyyyyyyy I don't care with my writing is bad or not I still leaning lagian aku ini bukan penulis .... WHAT the point if you can write good english or other language??? but you don't even speak the language !!!!!!! well be nice if you can do both write and speak !!!! welehh jadi menyombong khan diri............

and this is this your ip????????? auchhh pantesan ...betapa malang-nya dirimu !!!
netname: edNET
IP Location: Thailand - Ministry Of Education Moe
descr: education network provider

thanks to SOMEONE yang ngecekIN INI IP-NYA INI ORANG USIL ..makasi MR.****** you the BEST

anyway ....I gtg grocery .....have a great weekend everyone !!!!!!
ps..for my DEAR friend PUTRI HaPPy B"DAY yach non ........MIZZ yAAA