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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

StOrY oF VaNiTy ChaiR

allow semua pha kabar ???
di niagara falls udara masih bagus well its hot but its ok...katanya rich's YOU can COMPLAIN about COLD (winter) BUT you cannot complain about how hot in summer :P

anyway from last week HubbY said he got me lil thing because iam being CUTE hahhahahahha "EvIl FaCe AcTiOn" .... :P soo I kept asked him about that present he got me ...and he always said he can't tell me ......sooooooo on SundaY I came from work he told me to check my room ANDDDDD OMGGGGG he got me a box chair or whatever that call :P yIhaaaa .....WhY I am so haPPy wiTh that present??? because !!!!!!

Aku tuch khan punya bed room set gitu yach (well in the guest room) soo karena tempat tidurnya kegedean (queen size) and itu kamar ngak begitu besar ...kursi meja rias aku kasi keorang aku pikir aku ngak perlu ....soooo setelah aku mulai kerja ....aku suka dandan khan ??? nahhh karena aku ngak ada kursi buat duduk pas dandan aku pake deh TEMPAT SAMPAH hihiihih tempat sampahnya stainless steel yg ada tutupnya jadi bisa dipake duduk ...and i guess hubby merhatiin tuch and kecian ama his miskin wife :P .....and dibeliin deh ini box buat duduk...bagus lhoo dalemnya bisa ditaruhin sesuatu I dunno what the real colour before but he told me his painted that box ..... Thank you so MUCH HONEYY.

CeriTa laen kemaren nelpon ibu dibali I miss her soo much .... dia bilang kirim sesuatu buat aku apa yachh ?? "waiting"

Buat adik2 Yg udah LULUS SELAMAT yach and Buat Yg LiBUran haVe a FUN suMMER breaK

good day semua :)

ps: PutrI apa kabarmuW naKKK ???

Friday, June 24, 2005


HalllOOOOO !!!!!!!!!
DuHHH PemIrsa kanGeNn OIiiii beberapa hari ngak NgebLoG ....
NgaK ada yg wah sih happend in my life other than always nice and hot diluar soNo and of course veri bisi at WORk..........

Oh yach Just sedikit informasi abOut new programe di CASINO FALLSVIEW RESORT nich mmmhhhh kayaknya mulai akhir agustus or sept (lupa) nti bakal ada Packages buat PETS(CAT and dog's only) soooo owner dari yg punya pets ini bisa ngirim peliharaan mereka tinggal di HOTEL including SPA treatment ....and room service plus fasilitas gym buat pets and fasilitas yg dalam combo-nya itu (GILAAAAAAAA)

***** nti dipintu kamar pets ini bakal dikasi poster kalo cat Meoow! or kalo DOg whOPP. or apa GITUh pokoknya sign buat dogs and cat deh ...

***** trus mereka bisa dikirim ke spa buat gunting kuku,cukur rambutnya, or massage (CIATTTT)

***** Nah Ini yg lebih owner bisa nelponin room service jadi nti ada petugas room service special yg ngirim snack or makanan pets yg di order ama si owner.

PLUS ETC saya sudah lostttt pas PRE_SHIFT diomongin habis ngak masuk akal banget.

packagenya nich kayak combo gitu mulai dari $500 - up soo bisa dibayangkan khan ..awalnya ini programe sih gara2 ada hotel di TORONTO yg mulai ini programe and mereka made BIG BUCKS from it...akhirnya tempat aku kerja ikut2an deh .....

menurut aku sih keterlaluan banget yach ...orang2 kaya just beinG siLLy ...mendinG dikasi uangnya buat orang2 yg ngak mampu yachhh " kayak sayah ini " BAHHHHHHH ada2 saja. sayang sih sayang ama peliharaan tapi kalo ampe over gituh mah aduhhh saya ngak deh ......but i guess all its bussiness mo dikata apa lagi.

Cerita laen keponakan si rich James mo nginep nti malem ..kita mo ajak dia nonton firework ....and besok rencana rich mo ajak dia nonton batman ..I can't come musti go to work :(

buat mbok ari welcome back yach sis-kuw tercinta :) fun is OVERRR :P
buat yang laeN makasi udah mampir and have a good day :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

havE A GooD dAY

pepes ikan tuna (tue)

LOOk oK bUt taSte yUmmY

oyster mushroom,egg plant,sweet potataoes tempura(lastweek)

Player n cheerleader:P(yesterday)

roses from NaNNy gaRden(sunDaY)

IcE CrEaM for Me on the way to work :)(lastweek)

NiCEEEE day EvEryOnE

Friday, June 10, 2005

WoRK 1th AnNiVersArY

HaRi ini june 10 Genap setaHun CASINO FALLSVIEW RESORT dibuka HAPPY 1th-ANNIVERSARY...cieHHHH taDi ditempat kerja we GOT free DINNER,DESSERT,and SALAD dicafetaria ...mayan pengiritan biasanya buffe $3 tiap hari hihihi AND BONUSS YIhAA "shoppin shoppin" trus kita pada rame2 sign HUGEEEE CARD nti mo dipasang somewhere diBUILDING .....ANDDDD itu JUGA tandanya sudah setahUn bu KAdE jadi STAFF di CASINO FALLSVIEW and juga tinggal diniagara Falls ....RemeMber pertama kali Kita bermodal NEKATTTTTT LOOKed for a HOUSE di niagara falls ... AkU tanpa kerjaan or tanpa kenal anyBody around ....well reasonnya sih
~ Kita ngak bisa beli rumaH di daerah G (dimana mertua aku tinggal) the house soo expensive disana.

~ Rich's dari dia kecIl udah SUKAAA banget NF ...kayaknya kalo dia bisa milIh kalo Ngak bisa diBali ,or ENGLANd, yachh Niagara falls jadi deh :P

~ Niagara falls remind me Of balI special KUTA soalnya dimana2 kita pergi selalu ada tourist jarang2 lewat ketemU ama orang yg kita kenal :P (intinya tourism deh)

and reason yg laen mah ngak usah diceritain yach hehhe ....
SOOO kita take a chance gituh pindahan ke-NF and of course that NOt make my IN laW Happy ....JugA My HubbY TERCINTA jadi korban dia harus drive 1 jam ketempat kerja dia demi istRi terciNta and belajar maNdIRi :p ...But worth it deH and we are VERY HAPPY WE DID that.

SOO anyway Mudah2aN Aku betaH kerJa terus di CAsInO ...I did enjoying workinG wiTh the company EvEn i don't have the greatest JoB (lagIan biar dibalI juga aku bakalan kerjA ditourism)..... But I am HaPPy and speCIal I am haPPy wiTh $$$$ (pasTi ada yg ketawa sekarang :P )

WeLL thaT some LIL ParT of my Life I can ShaRe with You GuyS ..... AnD sekaraNg pas akU nulis Ini postingan mata udah berKunang2 I was SOO tiRED bUt i can"t STOPPPPPPP ListEnInG chrisye SONG yg dikasi ama YVONNE LOVEEEEEEE the soNg (sambil jogeT2) I swear since I turn my computer uDaH ada 20 kaLi dengerinnya or MORE hahahahha .....laGunya refreshinG banget .....JUdUlNya SSTsTStsTsT :P S.E.T.I.A ....

HaVe a WoNdErfUl WEEKEND .... PeAcEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


allow semua !!!!

Biasa Yach kalo baru nulis tuch otomatis pengen ngomongin udara hehehe khan kayak di tv gitu musti lengkap ada weather channelnya juga :P ....anyway Very hot out side ...kita udah ngidupin AC dari kemaren soalnya puanas diluar ..... But I am not complain about the hot weather ...I just LOVEEEEEEE when nice and sunnY plus ngak usah repot2 pake baju tebel2.lanjutin cerita

Jutmat : my day OfF , aku main kerumah mertua seharian disana ..kk ipar bikin small b'day BBQ dinner buat si rich's was fun... (foto bisa dilihat dimultiply)

sabTu : Worked double the casino and at other place ....was busy day but I still had time to made a nice dinner for hubby :) when home at 10 a clock..take shower becanda am hubbY bentar and ngokkkkkkkkk ngokkkkkk ngokkkk zztztztzttzzzzz

minggU : Its my day off again kita pergi belanja minguan I hate grocery on weekend pasti ruameee thanks GOD ada shopper cashier gitu ...jadi ngak usah line up dicashier ...tinggal masuk2in harga sendiri (sekalian belajar jadi cashier :P...... trus sempat LUNCH di TAKi ama hubby .....nice day

MOnday: huBBy masih libur and bu kade juga I got monday off for this week shift.... kita ada company dari burlington, temen baiknya hubby main kerumah ama keluarganya ...and of course bu kade harus masak ...I made sushi,inari,UNAGI...trus spring rolls sama aKu masak plain pasta serve pake resep ayam dari BU A ...ty yach buw ayamnya enakkkkkk tenannn...oh yach siangnya sebelom mereka dateng KIta sempat belanja buat keperluan bathroom yang ngak jadi2 heheh dasar kita tuch sok we got this pretty nice mirror for the bathroom....sekarang tinggal beli basket2 doang ..hopely by next month semua dah selesai .........ANDD bu kade juga beli 2 biji SKIRT ...I love the skirt ....
some picture from kemaren and off course my skirt "YvONnE bu kade pamer lagi yach"

Monday : here I am now ...writing this posting and having My BreakfasT "raisin bread with butter" and Big CuP of GreeN TeA nyam nyam nyam sOOn I have to get ready for woRk....... $$$$$$$$$$

haVe a Great Day eveRyone :)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

kaLo saya laGi IsenG

udara diLuar bener2 bagus beberapa hari ini ...pls god keep it like this no more cold weather ..... kemaren kerja sore aku pengen jalan aja ketempat kerja as you know take me 20-25 minute to get there .....aku dari rumah pake baju biasa aja tidak lupa sunblock biarn gak tambah item :P..nti ampe kerja baru dandan .... and sembunyiin my lil camera di tas make up biar bisa jepret2 park di falls-nya si tupai ngak ada kelihatan kemaren mungkin kepanesan hihihi but that good soalnya aku lupa bawa kacang :P

some picture i took from my camera ....taman and the falls ...trus jalanan nanjak mo ketempat kerjaa...ngos2an ampe ....but it's worth it ...kali2 aja berat badan turun :P

Cerita Ditempat kerja mah sama aja gettin busy ... summERRRRR BOOOO

Oh yach kemaren aku dapet special gula buat diabetes for ibu tercinta dibali ....dia sih udah pake gula jagung yg bungkusnya orange apa kuning tuch ..anyway ...cuman yg ini emang special buat diabetes...trus bisa dipake buat baking or dikasi dimasakan .....with some extra vitamine or apa gitu...aku sih dapetnya dari temen ditempat kerja ...akhirnya kemaren ke drug store sekalian deh tak beli ...rencana besok dikirim..that's gonna make my IBu happy.

SabTu kemaren si KATRIN's visited me ...was nice to see her again ..she is very happy with all the gift from bali ....and we went for lunch and went to bioskop to see MADAGACAR...very cute movie .... I love the lemur and jerapahnya .... ( kalo IPONE pasti suka raja yg pake indian accent yach hahahhaha ) ....benernya sih kita mo nonton THE TRAVELLING PANTS cuman waktu kita kesana udah main 30 minute :( maybe laen waktu :)

Ok thaT's all for tOday have a wonderful day and Thank you for coMing ...makasi juga buat coment and pesen2nya :)

ps : buat MbOk ari (my super step sister) have fun dibali ....awas jgn banyak2 makan NTi ngak jadi diet...hihihiihi KangeNNNN jUGAAAAAAA