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Tuesday, June 07, 2005


allow semua !!!!

Biasa Yach kalo baru nulis tuch otomatis pengen ngomongin udara hehehe khan kayak di tv gitu musti lengkap ada weather channelnya juga :P ....anyway Very hot out side ...kita udah ngidupin AC dari kemaren soalnya puanas diluar ..... But I am not complain about the hot weather ...I just LOVEEEEEEE when nice and sunnY plus ngak usah repot2 pake baju tebel2.lanjutin cerita

Jutmat : my day OfF , aku main kerumah mertua seharian disana ..kk ipar bikin small b'day BBQ dinner buat si rich's was fun... (foto bisa dilihat dimultiply)

sabTu : Worked double the casino and at other place ....was busy day but I still had time to made a nice dinner for hubby :) when home at 10 a clock..take shower becanda am hubbY bentar and ngokkkkkkkkk ngokkkkkk ngokkkk zztztztzttzzzzz

minggU : Its my day off again kita pergi belanja minguan I hate grocery on weekend pasti ruameee thanks GOD ada shopper cashier gitu ...jadi ngak usah line up dicashier ...tinggal masuk2in harga sendiri (sekalian belajar jadi cashier :P...... trus sempat LUNCH di TAKi ama hubby .....nice day

MOnday: huBBy masih libur and bu kade juga I got monday off for this week shift.... kita ada company dari burlington, temen baiknya hubby main kerumah ama keluarganya ...and of course bu kade harus masak ...I made sushi,inari,UNAGI...trus spring rolls sama aKu masak plain pasta serve pake resep ayam dari BU A ...ty yach buw ayamnya enakkkkkk tenannn...oh yach siangnya sebelom mereka dateng KIta sempat belanja buat keperluan bathroom yang ngak jadi2 heheh dasar kita tuch sok we got this pretty nice mirror for the bathroom....sekarang tinggal beli basket2 doang ..hopely by next month semua dah selesai .........ANDD bu kade juga beli 2 biji SKIRT ...I love the skirt ....
some picture from kemaren and off course my skirt "YvONnE bu kade pamer lagi yach"

Monday : here I am now ...writing this posting and having My BreakfasT "raisin bread with butter" and Big CuP of GreeN TeA nyam nyam nyam sOOn I have to get ready for woRk....... $$$$$$$$$$

haVe a Great Day eveRyone :)